A man who is “churlish” is, according to Webster, rude, difficult to work with or deal with,intractable, ill-bred, stingy, boorish. Maybe you have known one or two of them. In 1 Samuel 25,the
It is, perhaps, easy to “obey” God and follow His directions when we agree with them. Butwhen we are called upon to do something difficult – something with which we disagree – our faithand
The priests of the Mosaic Age were descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses. “And thoushalt put upon Aaron the holy garments; and thou shalt anoint him, and sanctify him, that he mayminister unto
Question: Does the Bible teach that there will be degrees of punishment and reward afterdeath?Answer: Yes it does, and in several ways. Is a jaywalker worthy of the same penalty as arapist? Can we