And Levi made him a great feast in his house: and there was a great multitude of publicans and of others that were sitting at meat with them. And the Pharisees and their scribes murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with the publicans and sinners? […]
It distresses me greatly when I hear of people, especially our young people, being taught that Christianity is degrading to women. It is not uncommon to hear, especially among the more radical feminists, that the greatest hindrance to the “liberation” of women is the Bible. And Christianity is often lumped […]
The phrase “verbal inspiration” refers to the process by which God the Holy Spirit guided the Bible writers as they wrote, by selecting from their vocabularies the exact words needed to convey God’s thoughts to mankind. God guided them verbally, that is he selected the words himself, not leaving it […]
It has been observed that the word “home” is the most endearing word in the English language. Home is a place of warmth and security, where you can feel comfortable, loved, and be yourself. As John Howard Payne wrote, ”Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.” But […]
When people speak of their “worldview” they generally refer to their philosophy of life or their conception of the world around them. They may talk about broadening their worldview by traveling or experiencing other cultures and customs. A person’s worldview affects how they interact with other people, how they prioritize […]
Have you noticed that the things which impress most people mean very little to God, and the things which really matter to God are often undervalued or even despised by men? Take church buildings, for example. Man tends to place such great emphasis upon physical buildings and structures. The grandeur […]
I have long believed that denominationalism is one of Satan’s most effective tools, even though when I say that, the denominationalists gasp in disbelief. They seem to think that “the more churches, the merrier.” It never seems to occur to them that the multiplying number of churches, with their various […]
When a congregation is working in unity, the cause of Christ is greatly blessed, and Satan’s cause is threatened. A unified congregation is a powerful force in any community, and Satan knows this. Therefore, there are certain tools or devices which Satan effectively uses to disrupt congregational unity. It would […]
The Psalmist declared, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Ps. 133:1). Unity is one of those special things which is both good and pleasant. It is good for us in the sense that it is healthy, and calculated to make us […]
Perhaps you have heard the old joke that there are three signs of getting old: the first is a loss of memory, and I can’t remember the other two! If this hits home, you are not alone. Humans are forgetful people. How easily we forget the important things of the […]
Jesus, Friend Of Sinners