Did I thank the Lord today for the good that came my way? Restful darkness, sacred night; for the blessed morning light. For the chance to greet anew, streaming Sun on morning dew? Did I thank him for my wife, faithful friend throughout my life? Little children, grown and gone, […]
It really hit home when I was recently reading an article by David R. Shannon, President of Freed-Hardeman University, entitled, “It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times.” Using the famous quotation from Charles Dickens from his historical novel, A Tale of Two Cities, Shannon was describing […]
Perhaps you have heard the old joke that there are three signs of getting old: the first is a loss of memory, and I can’t remember the other two! If this hits home, you are not alone. Humans are forgetful people. How easily we forget the important things of the […]
It’s no coincidence that Jesus often used farming illustrations in his public teaching. He would talk about sowing the seed, various soil types, tearing down and rebuilding barns, etc. There are so many lessons one can learn from watching the way we work with nature, and listening to God’s creation […]
When I was a boy, meal times always began by giving thanks. We would bow our heads around the family table, and my dad would word a prayer of thanksgiving before we began to eat. When I was old enough, sometimes I would be called upon to lead the prayer. […]
Did I Thank the Lord Today?