I grew up singing about fellowship. Have you ever stopped and thought about the many songs we sing about this important subject? Fellowship is such a rich and uplifting experience, it’s no wonder so many beautiful songs have been written about it. On any given Lord’s day, there are countless […]
One of the fundamental questions we in churches of Christ are sometimes asked is: “Why do you place such emphasis on the need for Bible authority?” Or, to put it another way, “Why do you insist on a ‘book, chapter and verse’ for everything in religion?” It’s true that […]
Holding grudges, threatening retaliation, keeping score, falling out with on old friend, nurturing hard feelings, posting a stinger on Facebook — all of these can be tale-tale signs of a common problem these days: a failure to forgive. We are quick to accuse, fast to file a lawsuit, eager to […]
By now probably everyone has noticed the huge uptick in national discussion about socialism. One of the major parties is featuring presidential candidates openly declaring themselves as socialists, something which would have been unthinkable a few years ago. Our young people are being told that socialism is the wave of […]
Like me, you may have heard the sobering statement that “the church is always just one generation away from apostasy.” A sort of reality check, it reminds us that every component of the gospel—every fact, every command, every inference— must be faithfully taught and passed down to the next generation, […]
Question: Could you please print an article about eating and drinking in the church and is there any scriptures of this in the Bible? We have an annex to eat in at the church we attend, but this goes on in the church still. Answer: This question betrays a […]
I don’t know about you, but I’m going to be thinking about Friends Day 2019 for a long time. I’m going to be remembering some things which are a big encouragement to me. Like the fact that our attendance goal of 225 was exceeded by a new record attendance of […]
I have been thinking about what it really means to be a friend. Did you know there is someone described in the Bible as being God’s friend? His name is Abraham. “And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness; […]
This is the title of our sermon for next Sunday morning. It’s a great question, and if you have been in the church of Christ a while you have probably heard something like it many times. Do you know how to answer it? Are you “ready to give answer to […]
In 1871 P.P. Bliss wrote and composed the haunting song, “Almost Persuaded.” Based on King Agrippa’s response to Paul’s preaching in Acts 26:28, the song vividly depicts the tragic consequences of a soul who delays obedience to the gospel until it is finally too late. “Almost Persuaded” has been sung […]
Singing About Fellowship