Sometimes we hear it argued that we should never say that a person is wrong in what they believe, or that a particular denomination is wrong. They say, “The Bible says don’t judge!” It is wrong to say that others are wrong, or that certain religious teachings are wrong, if […]
I have visited the services of a great many congregations. We have long made it a point to visit when we travel. Over the years, I have been in literally hundreds of assemblies of other congregations, in Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Canada, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Connecticut, Georgia, […]
Graduation is one of the most exciting, hopeful times in life. The graduate stands at the precipice, looking out over the future of their life. It’s a time to pause and reflect upon the commitment and hard work which has led to this point. It’s also a time to look […]
Question: How do we know that the Bible is true? I think many people are ignorant and apathetic about the Bible because they really do not believe it is the word of God. Answer: I think you are exactly right. Our American culture has largely lost his faith in the […]
In 1975 Gordon Lightfoot released a song with some of my favorite lyrics: Rainy day people always seem to know when it’s time to call. Rainy day people don’t talk, they just listen till they’ve heard it all. Rainy day lovers don’t lie when they tell you […]
We are going to a meeting, you and I. We won’t be late. We won’t forget about it or oversleep. Everyone else is going too. It is an appointment which we will certainly keep. “It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this cometh judgment” (Heb. 9:27). Have […]
I had a message from a preacher friend essentially asking, “What’s going on over there?” He was hearing about baptisms, responses to the invitation, large are you doing it? I think the Lord has blessed us with an exceptionally good gospel meeting, so I got to thinking about what […]
When a group of people simply go back to the New Testament pattern, and practice Christianity as it was practiced originally, they do not begin a new denomination. They are practicing what might be thought of as non-denominational Christianity. They are imitating the church about which anyone can read in […]
Question: What proof do we really have that Jesus was raised from the dead? Answer: The resurrection of Christ is the centerpiece of the Christian faith. Everything else we believe about the Gospel depends upon that central, crucial fact. “Now I make known unto you brethren, the gospel which I […]
The statisticians tell us that American young people are now spending an average of 2 to 4 hours each day on social media. Is this a good thing? Probably not, when you compare it to the number of hours these same studies tell us are being spent by youth in […]
Judging Others