What makes a servant? What motivates a person to serve God and others? What is there about the heart of this person which sets him apart from others? When Jesus arose from that last supper and washed the dirty feet of his disciples, he asked them, “Know ye what I have done […]
Sometimes people wonder whether there will be degrees, or different levels of severity of the punishment meted out to lost individuals after death. Similarly, it is questioned whether there will be various levels or degrees of reward. Does the Bible teach that there are degrees of punishment and reward after […]
One of the questions we deal with this evening was submitted by a person who is bothered by seeing members, during worship, not focused on God and his word. I have also heard complaints from others over the years as the number of people bringing smart phones into the assemblies […]
Like you, I have heard denominational people talk of how God had “led” them to move to some particular place, or “laid upon their heart” some particular job or task, or “called” them to some specific ministry. I recall, for example, listening to a Baptist couple explaining to my wife […]
Have you ever felt helpless in prayer? Perhaps you have felt at a loss to know what to pray for, or even how to begin asking anything from God. Some prayers seem to be so clear and well organized. Yet, in the bewildering, thorny problems of life, don’t we sometimes […]
Over the years on the farm, I’ve thought about electric fences a lot, and I’ve had a few run-in’s with them too. I’ve learned a few things about them which seem to speak spiritually to my heart, and I hope they will be helpful to you as well—and maybe a […]
Drifting away from the pure and simple gospel of Jesus Christ is a common danger which faces us all. “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things that were heard, lest haply we drift away from them,” (Heb. 2:1). Such a warning implies a very real […]
The Hebrew writer issued a very clear warning about the danger of drifting away: “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things that were heard, lest haply we drift away from them,” (Heb. 2:1). Since drifting is obviously a clear and present danger, and since we have been […]
At every worship assembly, we generally provide the opportunity to respond publicly to the invitation. There are typically four general types of responses, each of which has a “public” nature to it: 1. Baptism. One important reason for a public response to the invitation is a person’s desire to be baptized […]
A great opportunity is coming up for young people with an interest in “matters which really matter.” Friday, October 1, 2021 will feature the Kickoff for a special series of lessons, including a Youth Rally on Saturday, October 2 at the Central Church of Christ, 90 Waverly Ct., Martinsburg, WV […]
The Heart of a Servant