Microsoft Word – 23.01.01.The Promise of a New Year.Veil.docx Today is New Year’s Day! The old year has passed into history – what was. As much as we might like to slow things down, and savor some of our yesterdays, we are also reminded that God continues to give us […]
Have you been longing for a verse-by-verse study of the Pastoral Epistles, (First and SecondTimothy and Titus)? Or, maybe you would enjoy an overview of the Major Prophets, Isaiah,Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel? Maybe you would appreciate some faith-buildinglessons on Christian Evidences? Or perhaps you want to go back to […]
I’d like to make a challenge which specifically applies to certain members of our congregation. You know who you are! But this challenge generally applies to us all. I hope you will give it your serious and prayerful consideration, and indulge me in this article for a few moments to […]
The Promise Of A New Year