God created the family as we have traditionally known it. He created Adam and Eve, and hemarried them in the garden of Eden, and then he told them to be fruitful and multiply, (see Gen.1:26-31; 2:1-25). In both the Old and New Testaments, God provided guidance for family livingand happiness. […]
There’s an old invitation song which is still sung in many of our congregations, with thefollowing words: I’ve wondered far away from God, now I’m coming home. The paths of sin toolong I’ve trod, now I’m coming home. Coming home, coming home! Never more to roam. Openwide thine arms of […]
All who have been in the church for a while have probably seen situations where the preacher’s family was resentful. It may be a wife who stops coming to various gatherings. It may be children who grow uncomfortable at being “preacher kids.” It may be siblings or other family members […]
We are living in a time when interpersonal, face-to-face communication is generally not being encouraged or improved. We are teaching our young people to communicate by text rather than orally; by email or Facebook Messenger rather than by face-to-face or telephonic, verbal communication. Not surprisingly, many younger people no longer […]
Over the years, I have studied and considered the reasons given by members of the church who have stopped coming or who are struggling with their faith. Many of these people fall into a category which might be described as being “offended” for some reason. They have been hurt or […]
In John 5, Jesus discloses some profound insights into the difference between physical and spiritual life—and shows the relative unimportance of the former by comparison. “For as the Father raises the dead and giveth them life, even so the Son also giveth life to whom he will,” (John 5:21). This […]
When someone asks that question, there is a tendency to give a quick, reflexive response, like, “Good, how are you?” Perhaps this is understandable, because we realize that every time a person asks this question they are not seeking a detailed explanation of every malady in our lives. If everyone […]
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost, (Luke 19:10). The purpose of our Christian lives may be viewed as an extension of Christ’s presence and influence in this world. We are here to further his work, (Mt. 28:18-20). We are not here primarily to further our own interests […]
Just as bad habits are hard to break, so are good ones! If you are in the habit of doing good, you are not easily distracted or prevented from your purpose, because it is habitual. It comers naturally to you. Time spent in considering and cultivating good habits, is certainly […]
Habits are hard to break, that’s why they call them habits. Habitual behavior becomes second nature, and is often done without thinking. So, to break the habit requires extreme concentration and discipline, and is sometimes almost impossible. A better course of action is to never let bad habits form in […]
God Is Family-Friendly