As parents raise children, we teach them to say “I’m sorry” when they do something wrong to begin teaching them how apologies and forgiveness work in life. How is it that apologies and forgiveness take on a level of difficulty when maturity and wisdom are supposed to be leading in […]
Have you ever been really disappointed? I mean really, really hurt by something you had hoped would go a different way? How did you handle it? What advice would you give others facing disappointment? What is disappointment anyway? At its most fundamental level, disappointment stems from unmet expectations. We hope for and […]
If you have trouble forgiving yourself, you are by no means alone. One of the problems we see over and over in the church and in the world involves people who struggle with guilt and its painful effects. Some of these effects include self-condemnation, physical tension and related illnesses, as […]
Holding grudges, threatening retaliation, keeping score, falling out with on old friend, nurturing hard feelings, posting a stinger on Facebook — all of these can be tale-tale signs of a common problem these days: a failure to forgive. We are quick to accuse, fast to file a lawsuit, eager to […]