A man who is “churlish” is, according to Webster, rude, difficult to work with or deal with,intractable, ill-bred, stingy, boorish. Maybe you have known one or two of them. In 1 Samuel 25,the Bible describes a churlish man by the name of Nabal: “…but the man was churlish and evil […]
Whether we speak at all to visitors, and what we say to them, will depend upon our level of spiritual maturity, and the extent to which we realize the tremendous opportunity which is ours when people visit our services. Some of our members will not say anything, because they are […]
Almost everyone agrees that friendliness is a great asset in life. Although there are rare, highly-focused exceptions, the vast majority of successful, influential people are friendly. They are likable. They are popular among their peers, and people actually enjoy being around them. If you want to have friends, the Bible […]
A Churlish Man