The above is a rhetorical question taken from the third chapter of the book of Amos, where the prophet is asking a series of such questions in order to make an important point. The point had to do with the necessity of prophesying evil against Israel because of her horrible […]
Last week my friend, Tom Holland, went on to that heavenly land “which knows no parting.” Tom Holland was the most influential Bible teacher I ever had. He taught at Freed-Hardeman, one of the main reasons I went there. I had him for Life of Christ, Acts, and Preparation and […]
I have been thinking about what it really means to be a friend. Did you know there is someone described in the Bible as being God’s friend? His name is Abraham. “And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness; […]
The statisticians tell us that American young people are now spending an average of 2 to 4 hours each day on social media. Is this a good thing? Probably not, when you compare it to the number of hours these same studies tell us are being spent by youth in […]
In our “Facebook age” we may tend to lose sight of the importance of true friends. If we’re not careful, we may even forget what the word “friend” really means. Friends are more than buttons on the screen, or a digital list of names in the cloud. It’s not a […]
Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed?