Microsoft Word – 23.01.01.The Promise of a New Year.Veil.docx Today is New Year’s Day! The old year has passed into history – what was. As much as we might like to slow things down, and savor some of our yesterdays, we are also reminded that God continues to give us […]
Have you ever felt helpless in prayer? Perhaps you have felt at a loss to know what to pray for, or even how to begin asking anything from God. Some prayers seem to be so clear and well organized. Yet, in the bewildering, thorny problems of life, don’t we sometimes […]
As we travel through this life, we have so many blessings bestowed upon us yet how often do we stop to give thanks to the God of Heaven for them? Have you ever stopped and did a self-examination on your own prayer life? When you did a self-examination how did […]
The Promise Of A New Year