A man who is “churlish” is, according to Webster, rude, difficult to work with or deal with,intractable, ill-bred, stingy, boorish. Maybe you have known one or two of them. In 1 Samuel 25,the Bible describes a churlish man by the name of Nabal: “…but the man was churlish and evil […]
It is, perhaps, easy to “obey” God and follow His directions when we agree with them. Butwhen we are called upon to do something difficult – something with which we disagree – our faithand dedication is tested. The word “obey” is placed in quotation marks in the preceding sentencebecause, unfortunately, […]
The priests of the Mosaic Age were descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses. “And thoushalt put upon Aaron the holy garments; and thou shalt anoint him, and sanctify him, that he mayminister unto me in the priest’s office. And thou shalt bring his sons, and put coats upon them; […]
Question: Does the Bible teach that there will be degrees of punishment and reward afterdeath?Answer: Yes it does, and in several ways. Is a jaywalker worthy of the same penalty as arapist? Can we not easily see the difference between first degree, premeditated murder and anaccidental killing, or manslaughter? Would […]
Moses wrote several songs intended as memory aids at various points in his important work.His song at the crossing of the Red Sea (Ex. 15) is a masterful poem of triumph and victory overEgypt, and a declaration of God’s glory among the nations. On their wilderness journey, theIsraelites sang in […]
God created the family as we have traditionally known it. He created Adam and Eve, and hemarried them in the garden of Eden, and then he told them to be fruitful and multiply, (see Gen.1:26-31; 2:1-25). In both the Old and New Testaments, God provided guidance for family livingand happiness. […]
The account of the miraculous budding of Aaron’s staff is recorded in Num. 17:1-11. A greatmany of the Israelites had been complaining about Moses (and God), and 14,700 of them werekilled by a plague sent from God. God then took extraordinary action to strengthen the faith ofthe remaining Israelites, and […]
There is, in the priestly ordinances set forth immediately after the record of the death of Nadaband Abihu, an important insight into the holy nature of God himself. After commanding Aaronand his sons to totally abstain from wine and strong drink when they ministered about thetabernacle, God explained the reason […]
One of the things which you as a congregation are doing, for which I am deeply grateful, issupporting my service on the Board of Trustees for Freed-Hardeman University, in Henderson,TN. Freed-Hardeman is a fully-accredited institution of higher learning, affiliated with churchesof Christ. Our elders believe in the importance of staying […]
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2 Honor thy father and mother (which is the first commandment with promise), 3 that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth,” (Eph. 6:1-3). When children become convinced that they need not […]
A Churlish Man