We note in Gal. 5:22 the absence of an “s” after “fruit.” Paul did not say, “the fruits of the Spirit are…” but, “the fruit of the Spirit is…” The use of the singular rather than the plural suggests an aggregate or total package. It’s like a recipe where all […]
There is an interesting detail included by the inspired historian, while describing a part of Paul’s Second Missionary Journey in Acts 16:11. Luke records that after setting sail from Troas, “we made a straight course to Samothrace.” Making a straight course in those days meant they took advantage of favorable winds—the sailing […]
I think probably Christmas and New Year’s are the most anticipated of all the holidays. Not that the others are unimportant, but these provide special opportunities for family time, warm memories, and especially good cheer. Please allow me to offer a few suggestions about making the very most of your […]
Generally speaking, there are two broad types of funerals which I preach: those where I am confident the person was saved, and those where I am not. There are many subtypes within each of these two categories, but let me take a few moments to discuss these principles in a […]
As we travel through this life, we have so many blessings bestowed upon us yet how often do we stop to give thanks to the God of Heaven for them? Have you ever stopped and did a self-examination on your own prayer life? When you did a self-examination how did […]
The Bible doctrine of fellowship is a fascinating study. Starting with a definition of the word itself, we can understand it by seeing how it is used in God’s word. From the Greek word koinonea, the word “fellowship” literally means joint participation. Let’s fill in that definition by seeing how […]
It really hit home when I was recently reading an article by David R. Shannon, President of Freed-Hardeman University, entitled, “It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times.” Using the famous quotation from Charles Dickens from his historical novel, A Tale of Two Cities, Shannon was describing […]
In criminal cases, government attorneys are often required to provide to the opposing side a list of witnesses whom they intend to call to testify at trial. As a district attorney, I would often use these witness lists in preparation for jury trials, and would usually outline what I expected […]
Christians are people of decency, people of order. We do not enjoy turmoil, or when the lives of people around us are filled with strife and disorder. Christians are people of peace. It is a “peace which passeth all understanding” and is given specially by Jesus Christ, (Phil. 4:7). We […]
As we “enjoy” (should I say “endure”) another election season, several have inquired about Bible principles which might provide guidance during this controversial time. Following are some of my thoughts, for what they are worth, with several passages and applications intended to help us conduct ourselves as God would have us. […]
The Fruit of the Spirit