The gospel appeals to the reasonable mind. It enlightens the understanding, and causes people to perceive for themselves the way of Jesus Christ. In teaching our friends, we are “painting a picture” of Jesus Christ. Through the power of the gospel, we are allowing them to see God through his […]
When the precious gospel of our Lord is presented with sincerity and effectiveness, it appeals to the 1) mind, the 2) heart, and the 3) will of the hearer. Intellectually, the recipient is enabled to perceive the wondrous message as though painted on canvass by a skilled artist. It begins […]
Question: Could you please print an article about eating and drinking in the church and is there any scriptures of this in the Bible? We have an annex to eat in at the church we attend, but this goes on in the church still. Answer: This question betrays a […]
As I write this article, we have just returned from the hospital, where we said goodbye to my mother-in-law, Marvina’s mom, Margie Whittaker. She passed away peacefully at about 11:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, January 23, 2019. She was surround by family and loved ones. The funeral is scheduled for Saturday, […]
The word “Hades” first appears in the Bible at Mt. 11:23, and the translators capitalized it, as the proper name of a place. “And thou, Capernaum, shalt thou be exalted unto heaven? thou shalt go down unto Hades: for if the mighty works had been done in Sodom which were […]
For I say, through the grace that was given me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but so to think as to think soberly, according as God has dealt to each man a measure of faith, (Rom. […]
Each of us should want the local church to be as great as it can be. Even when things are going well, the congregation is growing, and times are exciting for us, we should strive to improve wherever we can. There is always room for improvement, and there are some […]
When the apostle Paul wrote his last epistle, known as Second Timothy, he was very near the end of his life of service to Jesus Christ. He was evidently imprisoned in a Roman prison, but this was no house arrest as before. The prison was cold, dark, and lonely, and […]
For each of the last 30 consecutive weeks I have published in the Bulletin a quotation from one of our nation’s presidents. These quotations have all been supportive of the Bible as God’s word and Christianity as the preferred way of life. They have shown what our highest leaders have […]
I had a beloved uncle who used to joke that if he ever won the lottery, he would tell people that he found the ticket in the church parking lot! Like most members of the church, he knew there was something questionable about playing the lottery. The mere fact that […]
Causing Others To Perceive