A Special Invitation and An Admonition by Robert C. Veil, Jr. Next Sunday evening, October 4, 2021, all members and guests are invited to assemble in-person for our 6:00 PM worship service at the church building. This will be the first time since March that we have been able to do so. […]
Satan is the enemy, the adversary, the opponent of every faithful Christian on this earth. He afflicts different people in different ways, according to their areas of weakness. Jesus withstood the full panoply of Satan’s temptations (Mt. 4:1-11), and in so doing he showed us that Satan uses various methods. […]
In the first chapter of Paul’s amazing letter to the church at Rome, he mentions the phrase, “I am” three times, each with an important significance. The statements escalate to a crescendo in verses 16 and 17, in which we have the theme of the entire epistle: The one way […]
When we inform people of what the Bible teaches, are we engaging in “hate speech?” For example, if a gospel preacher or Bible class teacher reads Rom. 1:26-27 during a public sermon or class, is he violating restrictions against “hate speech?” That passage reads: “For this cause God gave them […]
Of all the great books out there, the Bible is well worth your time to read and study carefully. It has enriched the lives of millions down through the ages, and continues to encourage and inspire ordinary people to live great lives. What is it about the Bible, that makes […]
Have you noticed that the things which impress most people mean very little to God, and the things which really matter to God are often undervalued or even despised by men? Take church buildings, for example. Man tends to place such great emphasis upon physical buildings and structures. The grandeur […]
There are occasional reminders in our lives of just how unimportant we really are. Maybe God puts them there to keep us humble. I remember when I left my private practice to accept a position at the State’s Attorneys Office. I was concerned for many clients. Some of them I […]
Each of us should want the local church to be as great as it can be. Even when things are going well, the congregation is growing, and times are exciting for us, we should strive to improve wherever we can. There is always room for improvement, and there are some […]
When the apostle Paul wrote his last epistle, known as Second Timothy, he was very near the end of his life of service to Jesus Christ. He was evidently imprisoned in a Roman prison, but this was no house arrest as before. The prison was cold, dark, and lonely, and […]
For each of the last 30 consecutive weeks I have published in the Bulletin a quotation from one of our nation’s presidents. These quotations have all been supportive of the Bible as God’s word and Christianity as the preferred way of life. They have shown what our highest leaders have […]
A Special Invitation and an Admonition