Coming before the throne of God in worship is a momentous experience, which should never be taken lightly. In Is. 6:1-5 we see Isaiah’s reaction to such an opportunity: In the year that king Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and his […]
When we look at society and culture today, we see a downward spiral in homes that are rooted in dad & mom loving one another in a Christlike manner and children who are being shown Godly marriages. What is causing this and why is that happening? Well, the simple answer […]
It is common knowledge among Bible students that there is no vestige of authority in the Bible for the special observance of the particular first day of the week, commonly called “Easter Sunday.” The word “Easter” is not in the Bible. It does appear one time in the King James […]
We get a sense of what coming into the presence of God does to us by considering what it did to Isaiah, as recorded in Is. 6:1-5: In the year that king Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and his train filled the […]
We live in a world of religious confusion. It’s not hard to find various religious denominations teaching conflicting doctrines, taking inconsistent positions on current issues, and generally going their separate ways on doctrinal matters. To the sincere seeker of truth, this is often discouraging and inexplicable. This situation is despite […]
Next Sunday we have scheduled a memorial immediately following our morning worship, to commemorate those who have passed away since January 1, 2020. It has been very difficult to properly pay respects during this time of pandemic, so it is hoped that this particular memorial will be helpful and appreciated […]
All people everywhere must deal with loss. It is part of the human experience, and it affects both Christians and people of the world. Just because a person has obeyed the gospel and been added to the Lord’s church does not mean that he or she will never experience another […]
Dealing with the grief which often accompanies loss can be challenging, even exhausting. There are some tremendous scriptural principles for coping with grief, which we will be exploring in some upcoming sermons. But along with that, it may be helpful to consider some of the various types of loss which […]
A Special Opportunity: May 8-12 by Robert C. Veil, Jr. What are you doing Sunday through Thursday, May 8-12? I would like you to consider taking advantage of a very special opportunity. We will be hosting a Gospel Meeting here at the Central Church of Christ, 90 Waverly Ct., Martinsburg, […]
When someone asks that question, there is a tendency to give a quick, reflexive response, like, “Good, how are you?” Perhaps this is understandable, because we realize that every time a person asks this question they are not seeking a detailed explanation of every malady in our lives. If everyone […]
How Worship Affects the Christian (Part 2)