There’s a beautiful song in our songbook written by Mosie Lister in 1955, entitled “He Knows Just What I Need.” Among other words are these used in the chorus, “My Jesus knows just what I need; he satisfies, and every need supplies, yes, he knows just what I need.” The […]
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end […]
Since preaching last Sunday evening’s sermon, I have been encouraged to write down for future reference the material I presented regarding in vitro fertilization (IVF). I am happy to do so because there is an increasing need for Christians to be able to thoughtfully and scripturally confront the ethical and moral issues […]
Question: Are Christians still sinners? Answer: The word “sinner” is used in two ways in the Bible. In its basic sense, it simply means someone who sins. All of us are “sinners” in the sense that we all fall short of moral perfection, and are therefore in need of God’s […]
Have you ever taken a walk with someone you loved? Maybe held the hand of your young child as you strolled through the woods or across an open meadow? Perhaps a romantic stroll on the beach with that special someone? There’s something special about going for a walk, and experiencing […]
Over the last twenty years, I have had the immense pleasure and responsibility to preach the gospel of Christ to those who live across the country and those who live abroad. I have witnessed the great outpouring of tears, joy, and thankfulness when one finally comprehends their lost state outside […]
What makes a servant? What motivates a person to serve God and others? What is there about the heart of this person which sets him apart from others? When Jesus arose from that last supper and washed the dirty feet of his disciples, he asked them, “Know ye what I have done […]
Sometimes people wonder whether there will be degrees, or different levels of severity of the punishment meted out to lost individuals after death. Similarly, it is questioned whether there will be various levels or degrees of reward. Does the Bible teach that there are degrees of punishment and reward after […]
One of the questions we deal with this evening was submitted by a person who is bothered by seeing members, during worship, not focused on God and his word. I have also heard complaints from others over the years as the number of people bringing smart phones into the assemblies […]
Like you, I have heard denominational people talk of how God had “led” them to move to some particular place, or “laid upon their heart” some particular job or task, or “called” them to some specific ministry. I recall, for example, listening to a Baptist couple explaining to my wife […]
How Christ Supplies Our Every Need (Part 1)