Older people can be very irritating. While driving, for example, I have noticed that they are slower on the road. This especially when you are behind one of them, and in a hurry. During night driving, some of them do not dim their headlights as they approach you. At intersections, […]
Can We Know We Are Saved? by Robert C. Veil, Jr. Years ago I had a series of discussions with an elder in the Lord’s church who took the position that he could not know for sure that he was saved. Upon further inquiry, I learned that he had been […]
I’d like to make a challenge which specifically applies to certain members of our congregation. You know who you are! But this challenge generally applies to us all. I hope you will give it your serious and prayerful consideration, and indulge me in this article for a few moments to […]
Christians are the most generous, giving people on earth. That’s because they recognize that they themselves have been given so much. Without the grace of God, the gift of his only begotten Son, and the amazing sacrifice that Jesus made for his people, Christians would be lost. They get that. […]
Just as bad habits are hard to break, so are good ones! If you are in the habit of doing good, you are not easily distracted or prevented from your purpose, because it is habitual. It comers naturally to you. Time spent in considering and cultivating good habits, is certainly […]
Habits are hard to break, that’s why they call them habits. Habitual behavior becomes second nature, and is often done without thinking. So, to break the habit requires extreme concentration and discipline, and is sometimes almost impossible. A better course of action is to never let bad habits form in […]
The valuable quality of “awareness” involves knowledge or perception. It carries the idea of being attentive and understanding that something is happening, or that some situation exists. Christians need to be aware of several things, and the Scriptures teach the value of being reminded so that we may be constantly […]
Did I thank the Lord today for the good that came my way? Restful darkness, sacred night; for the blessed morning light. For the chance to greet anew, streaming Sun on morning dew? Did I thank him for my wife, faithful friend throughout my life? Little children, grown and gone, […]
I hope you will indulge me as I share a few personal thoughts, to include some spiritual applications which may be helpful to all of us. I spent a day at a brushfire yesterday, “burning memories.” As many of you know, I maintained a private law practice for 19 years, […]
One of the big reasons we have such difficulty in reaching the lost is the fact that there are so many misunderstandings about what the church is. These misunderstandings have been developed over the centuries, nurtured by Satan to keep people confused and off-track in identifying God’s plan of salvation. […]
Irritating Old People